Thank you for choosing an Avery Labrador Retriever ….
Now buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!
As a young breeder, I would print off hard copy puppy packets containing 65 or more double sided pages and expect my poor puppy families to go through every page with me on puppy pickup day when all they wanted to do was to play with their new baby. (facepalm) What can I say....I had the best of intentions, but didn't have a clue.
Age and experience have proven to me that the best way to get this information across is to present it BEFORE my families take their sweet puppies home. So here's your direct link to your puppy packet, so you can access it quickly at any time and we can save a tree or 35.
Please review each section of the puppy packet and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Age and experience have proven to me that the best way to get this information across is to present it BEFORE my families take their sweet puppies home. So here's your direct link to your puppy packet, so you can access it quickly at any time and we can save a tree or 35.
Please review each section of the puppy packet and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Litter Clearances/Pedigrees
Puppy Sales Agreement

sample_puppy_placement_agreement_2021.pdf |
Puppy Packet

avery_puppy_packet_-_for_website.pdf |
Dangers of Early Spay/Neuter

dangers_early_spay_neuter.pdf |
Critical Periods in Puppy Development

critical_periods.doc |